AoS joins Free Wills Network

Apostleship of the Sea (AoS) is pleased to announce that we have joined the National Free Wills Network.
             This means that we are able to offer supporters the opportunity to have their Wills written by a local participating solicitor free of charge – with AoS paying a discount rate for the writing of simple Wills (in other words, Wills that do not deal with complex issues).
             The network has been running for ten years and consists of over 800 solicitors across the UK who are in good standing with the Law Society, and operating within the stringent rules of the Solicitors Regulation Authority. The network also ensures compliance with the Charity Commission and the Institute of Fundraising. 
             We hope supporters will take this opportunity to settle their affairs, make provision for loved ones, and also include a bequest to support our work for generations to come, although there is no obligation to do so.
             This offer is available for a limited time period.

AoS is part of the National Free Wills Network


Find out more about leaving a Legacy to AoS here.