Easter joy for seafarers

Every year, Apostleship of the Sea (AoS) port chaplains and ship visitors bring the joy of Easter to seafarers when they visit ships before and during Eastertide.
              This year is no different as they were out in force taking palms, spiritual material and Easter eggs (of course) to the crews.
              A lot of the Easter eggs are kindly donated by schools and parishes – thank you everyone of you!
              Some seafarers were also taken to Easter Mass. The seafarers really enjoy being able to go because as our Immingham port chaplain Steve Willows says, "…getting to an Easter mass whilst on board doesn’t really happen!"
              Here is a selection of Easter photos sent in by our chaplains. You can see more photos and read about our Easter ship visits on our Facebook page here.   
AoS Portsmouth ship visitor Irene Chapman distributing Easter eggs to seafarers
AoS Portsmouth ship visitor Irene Chapman distributing Easter eggs to seafarers 
Easter eggs for this happy seafarer
Easter eggs for this happy seafarer in Portsmouth
AoS Immingham ship visitor Tony distributes palms and Easter eggs to crew members
The lovely crew of MT Songa Emerald and volunteer ship visitor Tony in Immingham celebrating
Palm Sunday and Easter all at once
Fr Andrew Cole meets seafarers after Easter Mass in Grimsby
Fr Andrew Cole meets seafarers after Easter Mass in Grimsby
AoS Immingham port chaplain Bryony Watson collects Easter eggs from pupils of St Joseph’s Primary Academy, Cleethorpes
AoS Immingham port chaplain Bryony Watson collects Easter eggs from pupils of St Joseph’s
Primary Academy, Cleethorpes
AOS Dundee ship visitor Jacqueline McGuire and seafarers meet Bishop Stephen Robson our Bishop Promoter in Scotland after Easter Mass
AOS Dundee ship visitor Jacqueline McGuire and seafarers meet Bishop Stephen Robson,
our Bishop Promoter in Scotland after Easter Mass
