Working with Embassies

Our National Director Martin Foley was today invited to speak about Stella Maris (AoS) work in over 60 countries and 316 ports worldwide with diplomats at the Workshop on Seafarer Welfare Embassy Consular Conference held at the International Maritime Organization head office in London on 20th March.
              Also present at the Workshop was Stella Maris Vice Chair of Trustees Captain Esteban Pacha. In his presentation Martin spoke about how AoS provides a global support network for seafarers and a welcome in foreign ports to seafarers.
              AoS port chaplains and ship visitors visit vessels in over 300 ports so seafarers feel valued and supported and our cruise chaplains provide a unique ministry to crew members of cruise ships. 
              AoS offers a listening ear to seafarers, someone outside the management structure that seafarers can confide in. And how our ministry is a source of comfort and solace to all those affected by an emergency or incident. 
              Martin welcomed the collaboration Stella Maris already receives from Embassy Consular Staff and invited delegates to deepen their partnership with Stella Maris to support seafarers and fishermen around the world.
              During conversations, Capt Pacha also took the opportunity to share first-hand experiences that Stella Maris port chaplains and ship visitors make every day to seafarers, fishers and their families, and how the global Stella Maris network provide vital help and support to those in need.
AoS National Director Martin Foley speaks at the workshop
AoS National Director Martin Foley speaks at the workshop
